Weekly Message May 30, 2021
The Tower, 9 of Blades, Page of Cups, 4 of wands
This week is showing major changes in your life. This ending will probably shake you to the core, but that’s what it’s meant to do. You have been receiving nudges from the Universe to make changes, but you have been ignoring them or just afraid to face it. So, the Universe is going to push you through it anyways.
These changes may seem shattering at first, but in the end, you will be happy for this new transformation in your life. It will actually help you to open your eyes to new possibilities and new emotional experiences that will bring stability into your life. This could be in your work or business environment or it could refer to something you have been passionate about, but have been dragging your feet.
Welcome this new change in your life.
Have a great week!